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Sliding Scale Membership Fee

We understand that those who care for the underserved are often not paid well for the services they provide. In fact, many do this work without payment. Our sliding scale membership starts at $20. We suggest that you pay what is reasonable for you by contributing $1 for every $1000 of income per year. For example, someone who makes $30,000/year would join or renew for $30. Select the contribution level that best matches your income level. 


Membership payments to IM4US are NOT considered contributions and therefore not tax deductible. If you would like to make a tax-deductible charitable contribution to IM4US, please visit our Donate Page. Our fiscal sponsor, Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) organization, sends the required official acknowledgement for tax purposes for every donation over $250. For more information, visit on the Tides state nonprofit disclosure page

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