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  1. Search other posts to see if your topic is already covered. Do not post content that violates a copyright.
  2. Do not use a forum to promote your product, service or business.
  3. Use a meaningful title for your thread and stay on topic. Please only respond to a post when you have something substantive to contribute.
  4. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several forums).
  5. Act in a give and take manner; help others as often as or more than you ask for help.
  6. Be civil. Personal differences should be handled through email or IM and not through posts displayed to everyone.
  7. Do not use all caps or SHOUT in your posts. In addition, one exclamation point is enough.

Posts that do not adhere to these policies will be reviewed by members and removed by staff. IM4US reserves the right to revoke forum access by individuals who violate Forum Rules and Policies.

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